#SanaSanaOutdoors: A Love Letter

por Luis Villa

We’re not as close anymore, so it’s been a while since my last visit. You look beautiful. Not surprisingly, you’ve drawn the attention of many others on this lovely day. You’ve always had that appeal. Where there’s a dearth of them, you’re a gem, and time and again, you find a way of making people feel as good as a ten.

Some, openly express the joy you inspire in them, as if hoping to impress you while reveling in their varied pleasures and passions in your presence. People of all kinds show off their strengths and abilities, vying for your attention, looking to connect.

Others are more reserved around you. I fall into this camp, leisurely and contemplatively walking, reacquainting myself with you. Whenever I’m here, the challenges seem that much more bearable. The troubles are not so troubling. I’m both nostalgic and forward-looking when I’m with you. You’re an oasis in the middle of too much.

I yearned for you before I even knew you. Then we met and my expectations were beyond met. You became an inextricable part of my life. Birthdays, gatherings with friends, special family moments, you were there for them. When I left, I always returned, no matter the distance. During our reunions, you centered me, reminding me of who I am and where I come from. And although you’re no longer a fixture in my everyday life, seeing you do for others, what you did for me brings me wellness and joy.

Maybe it’s silly, but I love you. Always will.

Luis loves parks, especially local ones. He grew up in southern California’s urban density and has had a close relationship with South Gate Park since he was a small child. Despite moving away, it continues to this day.

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