Community Listserv

Latino Outdoors offers a national listserv that includes more than 900 community members, and counting.

This community tool provides opportunities to share information about available resources, reports, and important issues related to outdoor recreation, conservation, environmental education, and related fields.

To join the mailing list, visit the Latino Outdoors Community Listserv web page and Ask To Join.

Guidelines for posting a message to the community listserv:

  • Please offer a descriptive subject line, include the region, nature of the email, and a date.
  • Provide clear and concise information in the body of your email, even if you are including attachments.
  • Send your message at least 7 business days in advance of events or deadlines.
  • Please direct your email to Your email will be shared in the order it was received.
  • Please feel empowered to share job opportunities via our Job Board and share opportunities with our regional teams so that they are able to share within their communities.

Questions? Email us at