Hipcamp Headquarters And Latino Outdoors

Get more people Outside!

To inspire the next generation of people who are passionate about exploring and protecting our lands.


This is the Hipcamp mission! To discover camping near you just head over to their website for just about any type of campsite you want, with over 285,000 sites that include ranches, vineyards, farms, parks, tree houses and more. Their goal is to get more people outside with access: access to land, but also information about that land. They want to make sure you have the best camping experience possible no matter where you want to go. If you are looking for pet and kid friendly sites, no worries.

Hipcamp does this by connecting landowners who want to keep their land undeveloped with responsible, ecologically-minded campers like us and they will use recreation to fund the conservation of this land.

Summer is just around the corner so what are you waiting for : )? 

I heard that Hipcamp was making it possible for Latino Outdoors to host our National Leadership Training at the headquarters in San Francisco last year. Finding great partnerships is key for growth in any organization. The importance of their belief in the work that Latino Outdoors supports is a beautiful thing.

Hipcamp made it possible for us volunteers, ambassadors and leaders all over the country to stay the night at headquarters. This is the place where it all starts and they opened it up to LO. The place was three stories of magical delight.

Imagine my surprise when I heard that they were opening up the space again for this year’s Leadership training. This is mutualistic and supportive partnerships at their finest. The outdoors is a space we all want more available for careers, conservation, healing or just plain entertainment.

Latino Outdoors is a unique Latino-led organization. We are working to create a national community of leaders in conservation and outdoor education. As part of this work, we are focused on expanding and amplifying the Latino experience in the outdoors; providing greater opportunities for leadership, mentorship, professional opportunities and serving as a platform for sharing cultural connections and narratives that are often overlooked by the traditional outdoor movement. It is a space for the community to be present, share their voices, and showcase how conservation roots have been ingrained in Latino cultura for generations.

Thank you Hipcamp for allowing us into your home and making our National gatherings possible. May we all find ourselves afuera every chance we get!

Until next time ya’ll!

Josie Gutierrez; Latino Outdoors/Southwest Ambassador

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