LO Great Lakes | Bachata y Belay!


May 8


06:30 pm - 08:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-great-lakes-bachata-y-belay-tickets-893781022097

Latino Outdoors - Great Lakes, IL

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/latino-outdoors-great-lakes-il-58933948953

First Ascent Avondale

3516 North Spaulding Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618

Chicago, IL, US, 60618

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Join Latino Outdoors for an evening of climbing and dancing! All ages and skill levels welcome!

No prior climbing or dancing experience required. This is a safe space and want to ensure you have fun and take away a memorable experience 🙂

Attire: Wear an outfit that you feel comfortable climbing AND dancing in!

This event will also include a short intro to bachata and time to practice some bachata moves!

The first 17 people who register with us will be FREE! The limited free spots will include a pass and the gear.

If you are not able to register for a free spot, you can still attend the event and pay the $15 fee at the door. The fee of $15.00 includes a day pass and gear. The more dancers and climbers, the merrier – so feel free to join us even if you aren’t able to register!

Members of the gym can climb for free. Participants are allowed to climb for the entire day.

LO Waiver: Please complete Latino Outdoors waiver here

Gym Waiver: Please complete gym waiver here

SAFETY FIRST: *Please note that while participating in physical events organized by our organization, it’s essential to listen to your body and prioritize your well-being. Pay attention to any discomfort or signs of strain, and feel free to take breaks or seek assistance if needed. Your health and safety are paramount, so please engage in activities at your own pace and comfort level.

Please follow us on Instagram @LO_GREATLAKES and msg there with any questions! You can also msg us at greatlakes@latinooutdoors.org