Creating Memories – Creando Memorias

When I signed up as an LO ambassador one of my chosen goals was to help individuals, and families, use the outdoors to create long-lasting memories.  Recently, I was wondering if that was a worthwhile goal.  Consequently, I decided to go back in my memory “vault” and revisit some of the memories my family has created over the years.  Here are a few pictures that show our journey together.

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As I looked through my albums I was filled with joy and a little bit of sadness – sadness because my four boys are no longer little kids and my youngest, in a few short years, will be a young adult – and happiness because we have amazing memories that fill my heart with love and my eyes with tears.  The outdoors has been a gift in our lives.  Walking outside of our homes has allowed us to grow as individuals, learn about our environment, challenge our physical abilities, and MOST importantly create lasting memories that live in our hearts forever.

After looking at my pictures I can honestly, and proudly, say that helping others to create memories while enjoying the outdoors is a worthwhile goal. Hopefully, I will be able to  inspire families to create their own memories while taking advantage of all that the outdoors has to offer.

– Reina Santana is the Florida Latino Outdoors Ambassador

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