How-To Vamos Outdoors

A growing hub of learning resources for getting outdoors for the Latino Outdoors comunidad.


¡Vamos Backpacking! | 1. Pre-Planning

In the first video of this ¡Vamos Backpacking! series, we go through the process of learning about our campsite and how to obtain a permit.

¡Vamos Backpacking! | 2. Scouting

Join LO Leader Aurora as she makes a site visit to scope out the location of her upcoming backpacking trip.

¡Vamos Backpacking! | 3. Gear

Do you wonder what kind of gear you might need to get your backpacking adventures started? Learn about some of the items we take backpacking with us!

¡Vamos Backpacking! | 4. Food

In this video we talk about *food*, cooking systems, and helpful backcountry kitchen set ups.

¡Vamos Backpacking! | 5. Packing

Check out how LO leader Aurora likes to pack her backpack before heading out on a backpacking adventure!

Backpacking 101 with Aileen

What to pack, and what to look for in different gear! We don’t go into food in this one.

TIPS & how-to’s

Intro to iNaturalist

Trail Safety & Stewardship

LO NYC: Cómo Vestirse Para Una Caminata En Cualquier Clima

LO NYC: Usando y Empacando un Botiquín de Primeros Auxilios

LO NYC: Cómo Leer un Mapa y Orientación Básica

LO NYC: Dressing for a Cool or Warm-Weather Hike

LO NYC: Using and Packing a First Aid Kit

LO NYC: Reading a Map and Basic Orienteering

en English es Español