Trails Rx: Healing Under Redwood Groves

por Veronica Silva-Miranda

For about three years now, my primary care physician has been trying to put me on high blood pressure medicine. I politely declined every time until last month; I woke up in the middle of the night from heart palpitations, I just laid in bed, focused on my breathing, and my mind started to drift off into a redwood grove. I’ve known for years that I struggled with high blood pressure, I would feel a pressure in my arm or my hands would start to throb or go numb. I learned to step away from what I was doing at that time and sit in a quiet space, close my eyes and think about what brings me peace; the redwood forest. 

There is a special bond I have created with redwood trees, they give me strength, put me at ease when I smell the fresh scent of new growth and stress instantly releases out of my body as I spend time amongst redwood groves. It’s one of the reasons I often visit redwood parks in California. 

One of my favorite parks to visit is Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The redwood grove in the park has a beautiful accessible trail that is great for families with small children, elders, and people with mobility limitations. The trail has an interpretive walk and people can learn more about the amazing redwood trees and why they are so important to our environment. On this visit I learned that redwood trees produce both male and female cones that can provide between 60 to 120 seeds which is incredible and a valuable source for preserving redwood tree growth. There is also a visitor center with tons of information on the park, redwood trees, wildlife and often there are activities for youth to participate in and information on park programs for families, school groups and visitors.  

For me, having an accessible trail is important because of my limitations at the moment. My high blood pressure makes it hard for me to walk on trails with more than a 250 ft incline. I’m also learning to navigate an injury from a fall that has made my mobility limited, and I’m listening to my body when it needs to rest. I’m finding that slower movement has made me appreciate nature so much more. It’s easier to spot wildlife, observe moss up close, feel the soft bark on trees and hear the wind blow within the trees. It’s truly a remarkable feeling to spend some time in a redwood forest. 

I’m so grateful for parks like Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park that offer trails like the Redwood Grove Loop. The grove provides a place of exploration, healing, learning and gives that WOW feeling. The loop will have you looking up at these beautiful towering trees that are so tall you cannot see the top from the ground floor.

I can honestly say that spending time underneath redwood trees has helped me adjust to the high blood pressure medication I was prescribed. I think the benefits of spending time amongst these ancient trees is beneficial to everyone, but especially important to those that have had to transition to taking medication, overcoming an injury or finding a balance for one’s mental health. Visiting redwood parks definitely helps me gather my thoughts, have deep conversations with friends and family. When I’m alone sometimes I find a place to sit and write in my journal or jot down notes of things to accomplish or changes to be made.

At the end of my walk on this visit, I felt grateful for my family, close friendships, and the ability to visit this special park not too far from my home in San Francisco. As I learn to work with a new medication and continue healing from a back injury, I know places like Henry Cowell State Park can provide a place of healing and wellness not just for me but many other people as well. 

A Conversation with Una Semillita

por Luisa Vargas

Semillitas Outdoors is Latino Outdoors’ annual celebration of Latine children in the outdoors. From April 20 to April 28, we’ll be hosting virtual and in-person events that center the experience of Latine children and their families. 

This week is important to LO for many reasons. We understand that kids are the foundation of a vibrant future. Fostering a love for the outdoors early in life provides life-long benefits to individuals and the community. It’s also a way of honoring our raíces and our culturas which have always emphasized the importance of maintaining a connection between generations. 

Last year at a LO campout I met Maddie, a middle schooler and fellow Texan who enjoys being out in nature and has been uniquely touched by the magic of the LO comunidad from a very young age. Her grandma, Josie Gutierrez, happens to be LO’s Texas Regional Coordinator and has been fostering Maddie’s love for the outdoors since she was only four years old. 

This is the transcript of segments of a conversation held on April 3, 2024, between Luisa Vargas and Maddie. Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity and accuracy.

Interview Transcript:

What is your favorite thing about being outdoors? 

My favorite thing about being outdoors is seeing different plants and getting to learn more about them and different animals. I like all plants, and sometimes my favorite varies depending on how I feel. It’s kind of like whenever somebody asks me what my favorite song is. 

Do you have a favorite plant of the day?

I feel like bluebonnets are my favorite plant today. They have been blooming everywhere. 

What is your favorite memory of being outdoors? 

My favorite memory of being outdoors is probably my first campout with Latino Outdoors when I was four years old at Garner State Park. My grandma took me, my grandpa, my aunt, and my mom, and we went swimming in the Frio River and hiked a little bit. 

Have you gotten to go back since? 

Yes, many, many times. Not this year so far, but hopefully I will be able to. 

What’s your favorite place to camp in Texas

There are so many. It’s very hard to choose. I’m very indecisive about that. 

Can you tell us about when you started going to LO events and the person who started taking you? 

I started going to LO events when I was around five and my grandma started taking me. At LO events, we would table and we would help show kids about being in the outdoors and what’s fun about it. 

What is your favorite Semillitas Outdoors memory?

Probably tabling with my grandma. We get to help kids make little rocks, and they get to put their favorite thing about nature on them. I usually draw butterflies and ladybugs and flowers.

What advice would you give a person your age about going hiking or camping? 

I would probably say to bring comfy shoes and shoes that you don’t mind, to get a little bit messy and to not be nervous about it because it’s really fun. 

What is something that you’ve gotten better at or have overcome since you started going outdoors? 

Pack less when I go camping!

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? 

Right now, I’m indecisive about what I want to do, but I just know that I want to go to college in New York at NYU and just travel. I’m a city girl who still enjoys being outside.

True Story: Representation in Wildlife Conservation

por Azalia Rodríguez

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the last decade, for me, has fluctuated. I wish I could say confidently it has progressed forward in the conservation sector; however, that has not been the case in my lived experience. On some level, the need to be a more inclusive sector has provided me with opportunities, but I would like to think my accomplishments are based on my skills and work ethic instead of the boxes I check. I work in Texas, in the Hill Country, to be specific. Tejanos set a cultural milestone in the latest U.S. census by becoming our state’s largest demographic group. You would think with Tejanos being the largest demographic (and growing), I would see more people who look like me, talk like me, and hold similar cultural values to me in the area where I work, but I don’t. I am a young, Indigenous, wildlife conservationist Tejana in the Hill Country, and that alone puts me in a narrow category.

I remember going to my first network meeting so excited, and eager to make connections with people. I was finally in the door and had a seat at the table that I have always wanted to sit at. You see, my passion for wildlife conservation is inexhaustible, and I have energy like the wind. I can feel it all around me, and it’s expressed unapologetically. So when I say I was ready for this moment, I was truly taking it all in the present. I remember walking in and seeing everyone circled up. I walked around attempting to start conversations and introduce myself but wasn’t really getting an engaging atmosphere. I tried not to overthink and did my best to ignore imposter syndrome creeping in. There had to be about 100 people in the room, but somehow it felt like more. I was disproportionately the youngest in the room (I am in my late 20s) and shockingly uncomfortable. The best way I can put what the experience was like is, that it was not a welcoming room, and even now, I am not sure why or how. I sat to take my seat, purposely not getting on my phone so people could tell I was open to engaging, but nothing. When the opening presenter started his slide deck, to my surprise, the topic was DEIJ in wildlife conservation. I won’t ever forget this, he said, “there is a difference between inviting someone in the room and making them feel welcomed.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. After the presentation concluded, I went outside to call my husband. I was holding back tears trying to express my feelings in words and my frustration. In a professional setting, I felt so small and insignificant and embarrassed as if I did something wrong, as if I didn’t get the memo about something. I won’t ever forget that confining feeling of reality hitting me. I went to the restroom, looked in the mirror, and told myself, “It’s okay…you are qualified, you deserve to be here, and you worked to get here, it will be okay”. I took a deep breath and went back into that room. I wish I could say confidently it has progressed forward in the conservation sector; however, that has not been the case in my lived experience. I used to think it was just about having a seat at the table, but it’s not. It’s about people making efforts to ensure there is space for you, and sometimes you just have to make your own chair and bring it with you.

I now make an effort to speak up when that feeling returns, and I make sure to speak up when I see others looking uncomfortable because I always see it. My colleagues don’t see it, nor do they feel it, but I recognize it very quickly. I am not shy to speak on my lived experiences, because that’s what they are: my experiences. I still get nervous, my throat still gets shaky, and my hands still get sweaty. But, I bring myself to show up and speak up because if I don’t, progress will fail to happen. I am strong and brave like my mother. You see, she never completed the ninth grade and grew up significantly disadvantaged yet she made herself show up when it got hard. She ended up becoming a Senior Director of Risk Management for a multi-billion dollar company. She is what inspires me to keep moving the needle forward because I am exactly like her (igualitas), and I can take adversity so those who want to be in my sector, who are similar to me, do not have to.

One of my passion projects is “Lights Out, Texas!” (LOT) and I lead a citizen science study for it in Austin. When I lived in Dallas and first got involved, I was immediately sold on the idea of citizen science. LOT wasn’t just about saving wildlife, but I saw it as a way to get real science-based experience without needing a background in research, a more equitable way of getting involved in wildlife. I spent my whole adolescent life believing the lie we were all sold, that you need a higher degree to work in science and wildlife. But, there it was, $60K+ of student debt and two degrees later. That’s why I make sure all LOT resources are translated into different languages and do outreach to communities of color.

The truth is, DEI has gotten better for many people, but sometimes it feels like it’s a trend, and one day, the fad will be over. That is why I love Latino Outdoors so much, it’s a community that won’t go away even when everyone else stops talking about it. I can’t recall anyone around me ever knowing what DEI meant ten years ago, and so that tells me there is growth and people are listening, and so I am looking forward to these next ten years.

I used to Americanize myself more when I went to meetings or conferences, but not anymore. Just like having DEI statements won’t fix the issues at hand, my cultura should not be watered down to fit other people’s comfort. I don’t like feeling the need to assimilate to make others feel good about what DEI efforts they are doing. But, diversity or increasing representation in conservation will not happen until we are comfortable with calling it out. When I say we, I mean all of us because it can’t just fall on marginalized groups to recognize it. I am hopeful about the future of DEI in wildlife conservation, but I do owe it to myself and the next generation, to be honest about what reality feels like. This does not discourage me porque soy fuerte y valiente como mi mamá and obstacles are just opportunities waiting to be accomplished.

Azalia Rodríguez is an Outings Leader for Latino Outdoors Austin and works as the Texas Representative in the wildlife conservation sector of the Texas Hill Country. She is passionate about wildlife and saving imperiled species in any way she can. Although qualified and driven, her experience speaks to challenges in the conservation sector of Texas. She shares about the crossroads of cultura y conservation as it pertains to DEI growing pains as Texas engages in a culture shift.