Blessed with a Courageous Spirit

por Nancy Fernández

The sun rises and the early morning dew slowly begins to lift, barely clinging to Spanish moss carelessly draping over every live oak in its path. Oak branches are twisting and turning in every direction as if embracing the heavens. And here I stand, a simple blip in their lifespan. I ponder upon the strength and wisdom of these trees and share my gratitude for the short welcome.

Nancy Fernandez holding black skimmer chick that was being tagged at South Bay Salt Works.

“Only a few years ago I had left my home in California for a new beginning in the Georgia coast. Leaving behind everything and everyone I knew was difficult, but I quickly fell in love with a new paradise. The history, its people, and seemingly endless opportunities to be in awe of nature reminded me that home is what you make of it.”

As I traveled back west, familiar sights and smells slowly welcomed me back. People in every corner speaking my native tongue, the smell of eucalyptus trees towering above me, and the ever-present California chaparral embracing my arrival. Although I am back in familiar territory, there is still so much to explore!

Nancy Fernández

I have been blessed with a courageous spirit and I bring that energy to help me take on my next challenge as a park ranger for San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex. In this position I hope to continue to learn and grow with my new community and share with them the wonders of nature.

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