Photo Contest

Visit our 2024 Winning Images web page to see this year’s category winners and vote for the Grand Prize photo.

2024 Grand Prize Winner

Photograph by Rebeca Garcia
When I visited my pueblo in Oaxaca this summer, we went looking for the right carrizo (reed)– each one is different upon a closer look. As Zapotec Indigenous people, conservation is maintained through an intimate relationship with the land. We tend to the land, as she tends to us. On this day, she let us borrow some carrizo to make the crafts we will continue making for generations: baskets, reusable straws, doors, the list goes on and on.


The 2024 LCW Photo Contest begins Sunday, August 14th at 12 PM Pacific, and ends Sunday, September 22nd at 11:59 PM Pacific. 


Todos are welcome to participate, regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, ability, language, and nationality. 


We invite you to submit up to three photos under each of the following categories. Each category reflects a subject of special interest to Latino Outdoors and Hispanic Access Foundation:

  1. Todos Outdoors: Photos that expand the collective narrative of outdoor engagement so that it is a more rich and complete story of the diverse community of people who love and care for the outdoors.
  2. Conservation Cultura: Photos that illustrate how conservation is woven into the fabric of Latinx culture. Use photography to highlight cultural elements not found in the mainstream conservation narrative with a particular focus on the intersection of the Latine identity and the natural environment.
  3. Generations Outdoors: Lean into the celebration of intergenerational experiences outdoors.


Each participant may submit up to three photographs per category using the Photo Contest Submission Form. Please complete one form per photo and include a Photo Release Form.


In addition to photos that capture human engagement in the outdoors, please also be sure to answer the question “What does conservation cultura mean to you?” in the photo/post caption.

We also encourage you to include a note about whose Native Lands are pictured.


By submitting an entry to the contest, the submitter warrants they are authorized to and does so grant Latino Outdoors and Hispanic Access Foundation full and perpetual rights to use the submitted photograph, including the likeness of any individuals appearing within it, in promotional publications and other media, without compensation. The photographs submitted will be used to advance the mission and vision of each organization.


Photos will be evaluated based on composition, creativity, impact, and the story your caption tells.  First, second, and third-place winners for each of the aforementioned categories will be determined by an internal vote by a panel of judges from Latino Outdoors and Hispanic Access Foundation. The first-place winners under each category will be entered into the running for the Grand Prize. The public will vote for the Grand Prize winner using an online form that will be shared closer to the voting period.


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