- Maricela Rosales, Los Angeles Coordinator
- Melissa Avery, Social Media Coordinator SF Bay Area East Bay
- Alicia Cruz, Regional Coordinator SF Bay Area, North Bay
- Josie Gutierrez, Ambassador Texas
Latino Outdoors: A True Force of Nature
Written by Maricela Rosales, Los Angeles Coordinator
Several months ago, I watched the Force of Nature (FON) anthem video and I said to myself, “It’s about time!” As I sat at a coffee shop reflecting on what FON means to me. I realize that it takes more than just going outside and exploring. You really need to stand by your beliefs and allow for growth to lead you to where you need to go. This campaign starts the conversation of having grit to resist the status quo, find your path; to get outdoors and live it the way you want to live it — all the while diversifying these spaces and bringing about positive change.
Such a powerful message can be portrayed in the work Latino Outdoors (LO) does. LO is a very unique group, driven by passionate volunteers who believe in creating a national community of Latino leaders in conservation and outdoor education. LO has many female leaders, paving the way in their local communities by connecting families and youth to the outdoors, and promoting leadership in nature. By creating, mentoring, and expanding outdoor access to different recreational activities, LO is effectively amplifying the Latino narrative in green and open spaces.
Latino Outdoors has opened many doors for its volunteers and the communities it touches. This organization has chosen to give their time and energy to enhance the well-being of the Latino community, and so many lives have been positively impacted. Quality of life is enhanced when you share the outdoors with others; it influences people to act in the same capacity and truly builds community. To stand alongside the Force of Nature Campaign has been an energizing and unifying experience for the LO community. #ForceOfNature
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Msz46mqrw&w=560&h=315]
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