Una vida llena de Aventuras.

por Anibal Rocheta

Apenas tenía 16 años de edad cuando decidí; junto a un primo, experimentar una nueva aventura, en el Parque Nacional Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro, en Falcón, Venezuela. Tomamos una cuerda vieja que estaba en mi casa y una linterna; y justo allí emprendimos camino a lo que sería el inicio de mi carrera como montañista. Recuerdo que ninguno de los dos teníamos conocimiento absoluto en el área, no estábamos para nada capacitados, pero la adrenalina y el deseo de aventurar, se apoderó por completo de nuestras mentes y de lo que sería en un futuro, una vida llena de retos.


Durante ese viaje aprendí muchas cosas, sobre todo a acampar, además el hecho de tener que saber cómo administrar tus pocos recursos durante un fin de semana, fue un completo reto. Utilizar la justa energía de la linterna, las provisiones para la comida y también aprender a identificar sonidos de la naturaleza es realmente maravilloso ¡Wow, una experiencia inolvidable! Dentro del parque nacional había una cueva acuática muy poca conocida, pero no existía mapas ni guías turísticos, prácticamente no había información alguna de ella. A pesar de la imprudencia (éramos unos adolescentes) adentramos a la cueva. Mi primo se amarró la cuerda a la cintura (él era mi ancla) y yo inicié ese recorrido, nadando, pataleando, observando cada detalle de aquél inmenso monumento, pude observar por primera vez murciélagos en su hábitat natural, peces sin ojos, salamandras pálidas, guácharo (oilbird), y otros animales. Luego de ese maravilloso encuentro único con la naturaleza, nos tocó caminar unos 10 kilómetros, por un camino de tierra que nos llevaría a dónde estaría el transporte y posteriormente unas 5 horas en carretera a casa. Esto fue en definitiva, punta de lanza para sumergirme en el mundo “outdoor” hasta el sol de hoy.


Con el tiempo, ya había hecho unos ahorros suficientes y decidí invertirlo en comprar buenos equipos, un bolso, una mejor linterna, carpas y algunos elementos esenciales que me servirían para las siguientes excursiones. A partir de ese momento, salieron diversas actividades que pude realizar durante mi juventud, como: Canyoneering (rappel dentro de cascadas), Puénting (saltar desde un puente en una plataforma a 150 metros del suelo), Escalar mi primera montana fuera de mis frontera (Perú), Caving (explorar la cueva del Guácharo, ruta no turística, una exploración que duró casi 26 horas dentro de la cueva) además aprendí de: escalada, montañismo, hiking y parapente. Asistí a competencias nacionales y experimenté el mundo de una manera única y “loca”, sí, asimismo porque el mundo es de los locos que nos atrevemos y que a pesar de los temores y riesgo disfrutamos cada minuto de adrenalina. Poco después, con tanta experiencia práctica y muchas capacitaciones, pude abrir mi propia empresa llamada Aguedo Xpeditions, la cual me permitía ayudar a las personas a introducirse al mundo “outdoor”, enseñándoles también a como a canalizar sus miedos y a mostrarles el uso adecuado de los equipos y los riesgos que se pueden tener en cada experiencia. Sin embargo, hacíamos cosas muy sencillas como caminatas en cuevas por pasillos estrechos, rutas de observación de naturaleza y descenso por cascadas con grandes niveles de agua.


Una vida de aventura implica muchas veces alejarse de tu familia y seres queridos, pasar tiempo metido en la selva o en la montaña es algo que no todo el mundo está dispuesto a asumir. En mi caso, siempre he sido muy inquieto y con el pasar del tiempo y las experiencias pude patentar esta grandiosa aventura a la televisión nacional de mi País, con un experimento entre varios compañeros del mundo outdoor y en aquél entonces la que fuese mi novia y hoy mi esposa y compañera de vida: María Teresa, viajamos por todo el país recorriendo ríos, lagos, montañas, cuevas, haciendo un show de tv de alta definición que se denominó: Expedición 20:09 y se logró establecer por casi 5 años. Hoy día, los vientos han cambiado un poco y esa búsqueda de conocer otros puntos cardinales, me mude a los estados unidos hace ya dos años, en donde por ahora me he establecido junto a mi esposa, digo por ahora porque nunca sabes cuál será el siguiente nivel en una vida llena de aventuras constantes. Actualmente, he estado desarrollando un proyecto dirigido a la comunidad latina en USA y el mundo, llamada LOCO POR LA AVENTURA. Donde a través de información técnica, fotos, tips de seguridad y consejos prácticos podrás hacer del mundo “outdoor” un lugar seguro y divertido. Así que: ¡NOS VEMOS EN SU SIGUIENTE AVENTURA!

ANIBAL ROCHETA es Venezolano, Guía profesional de aventura, camarógrafo y fotógrafo. Aníbal, liderizó expediciones de montaña en Venezuela y Perú. Con más de 15 años de experiencia, es distinguido como guía de montaña en la sierra de San Luis (Falcón – Venezuela); en dónde emprendió su amor por la naturaleza y dirigió excursiones en distintas cuevas. Actualmente, vive en Portland, Oregón; desarrollando un magnifico proyecto 4k denominado “Loco por la Aventura”.

Connecting to National Trails

por Crystal Salvador-Zapote

Growing up with undocumented parents limited what was available to me as a child. Most of our family outings were to the local park, which was less than a mile away from where I lived. We stayed within this one-mile radius for the first decade of my life, until my parents became naturalized citizens. Meanwhile, I got older and ventured outside less. Florida is extremely humid, even in winter, which makes going outside less than desirable.

My grandfather was an important part of the reason I got back outside. He was 60 years old when he moved to the United States, spoke no English, and had no way to navigate around town, yet he somehow managed to find the closest walking trails. He was content to venture away from home and would disappear from sunrise till sunset.

Crystal with her Grandfather

He was 60 years old when he moved to the United States, spoke no English, and had no way to navigate around town, yet he somehow managed to find the closest walking trails.

After a few instances of my grandfather “staying out too late” (or getting lost), my family decided he needed a chaperone. My cousins and I became obligated to be his walking partners. Our only advantage: we knew English and could work a smart phone. We reluctantly accepted, and quickly found out that we had to run to keep up with his walking pace. When I got a job as a backpacking guide he was one of the first people I told, and more than pride I sensed his envy of my opportunity to wander around in the desert.

Recently, through a lot of hard work and persistence—and with the help of an organization called Hispanic Access Foundation— I was able to land a fellowship with the National Park Service. My fellowship is with the National Trails System, a component of the National Park Service that aims to protect and preserve natural and cultural resources through designated National Trails.

While these trails may be unrecognized by a majority of the American public, they offer tremendous opportunities to recreate and reconnect to the history of the nation. The people that I have met since starting my fellowship are working to share this history and promote and provide access to these treasured resources.

Ream Wilson Clearwater Trail, Florida

Soon after starting my fellowship I discovered that the trail my grandfather loved to frequent, the Ream Wilson Clearwater Trail, is a designated National Recreation Trail—one of the four types of trails that make up the National Trails System—I had no idea.

This piqued my interest and, because I knew National Trails Day was approaching, I wanted to share a story about a National Trail with roots in an intriguing history of Latinos in the west, which brings me to Naomi Torres.

Naomi joins Latino Outdoors for a day of training.

Naomi is an advocate for involving the Latino community in conservation work and serves as Superintendent for the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail. She has been working with the National Park Service for many years and emphasizes the importance of encouraging pride of place with Latinx youth. She has worked with many partners to bring youth programming to the trail and is also working to connect people to the history of the Anza trail, a story that is not typically shared in the classroom.

Naomi also believes the story told today focuses on the Spanish colonial, which does not paint a whole picture of the history of the Anza trail. She hopes to be able to share the story of the diverse characters that make up the trails’ history, which include Afro-Latinos and the native peoples that lived and still live along the trail.

Photo Credit: Anza Trail NPS

This work is not easy to do, as it takes a lot of involved time, but is necessary and the payoff is great. The Anza trail offers many opportunities to get on the trail or to visit historic sites, as well as opportunities to get involved. If you are in California or Arizona, I encourage you to connect to the Anza trail, and if you reside elsewhere just know that there are many other National Trails to visit.

At the beginning of February I was at Hike the Hill, a National Trails conference, when I got a call from my dad. My grandpa had been in and out of the hospital for a few years and had always managed to get back on his feet, but that was not the case this time around. Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to say goodbye, so when I flew into Florida to attend his funeral I knew I wanted to find my own way to commemorate his life. 

When I was still living in Florida and would visit from college, my grandpa and I would often walk the Clearwater trail to a small bay where we could watch the sunset. On my visit to Florida I walked the same trail, this time without my grandfather. As I watched the sun set I reflected on his quiet nature and how he was the one who introduced me to quiet walks. The first that I can remember were walks on his farm in Mexico when I was only a toddler.

For this upcoming National Trails Day, June 6th, I have planned an early morning hike. The outdoors is a space where I can meditate and re-center myself, and with the events going on in today’s world I know I could benefit from carving out some space for quiet contemplation. I am also taking a pledge to leave the trail better than I find it, with the plan of going out with a trash bag to pick up any waste I find along the trail. I invite you to also get outside if possible. However, I understand it may feel difficult to step away from the world due to diverse reasons. If this is the case, no worries, the trail will always be there. 

Latino Outdoors Stands with Communities of Color Experiencing Injustices in Shared Spaces

We are deeply disturbed and saddened by the recent, atrocious crimes against members of the Black community who are either recreating outdoors or simply going about their daily lives. The harassment of the Central Park birdwatcher has shaken Latino Outdoors to our core, but especially LO NYC, who has led birding walks through the Ramble in the past.

Nobody should have the police weaponized against them due to their race. We stand in solidarity with all Communities of Color who have experienced injustices in shared spaces, and especially with the Black community who is hurting most in this moment. Black, Indigenous, and other Communities of Color must not have our existence questioned in the outdoors, and Latino Outdoors will continue working to create inclusive and equitable outdoor spaces for all in New York City and around the country.

When the news cycle moves on, we do not want this message to be read and forgotten. We call on all mainstream organizations that seek to be better allies in the fight against racism and other forms of marginalization to take a stand in solidarity with all Communities of Color and other underrepresented groups.