Yo Cuento Blog

Yo cuento, tú cuentas, todxs contamos una historia

Yo Cuento Outdoors is a celebration of our ambicultural identities. The Spanish phrase “Yo cuento” has multiple meanings, including “I count”, “I matter”, and “I tell a story.”

Before evolving into a national network of kindred spirits providing inclusive outdoor experiences, learning and growing together as outdoor leaders, and contributing to a new narrative of outdoor engagement, Latino Outdoors began as a blog authored by its Founder, José González. Through the stories we share in this ongoing blog series and on our other communication platforms, we honor LO’s roots while simultaneously paying it forward by giving those who seek out the comunidad that LO provides, a way to find us.

We invite you to share your story in order to help us enrich and expand the narrative of outdoor engagement, conservation, and environmental education. We’re looking for stories and perspectives, especially from members of comunidades latinas, that help change the mainstream narrative into one that is more representative of the diverse community of people who love and care for the outdoors.

To learn more and submit your story, click here.

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