Yo Cuento: Then & Now

por Jazzari Taylor

Growing in Advocacy

I often think back to the Summer of 2016, my first outing event with Latino Outdoors. My best friend, Maricela Rosales, encouraged me to join the Los Angeles Volunteer team at Heal the Bay for a beach cleanup at Dockweiler State Beach. To be completely honest, I was hesitant because I always felt a tug and pull with my racial identity, being multi-racial and a non-fluent Spanish speaker. I was reassured that the growing Latino Outdoors organization, which I would be joining at the cleanup, welcomed all diasporas, multicultural experiences, dialects, and backgrounds. I remember not knowing what to expect, having jitters, and holding my breath. Taking the leap as a participant and volunteer would bring me back full circle as a Policy Advocate with Latino Outdoors.

As a child, I was fortunate to visit local city parks and join free or affordable recreational opportunities. My parents would send me to income-based YMCA summer camps, take day trips to our state beaches, and visit local public lands. Before I joined my first outing event with Latino Outdoors, I faced many challenges in my 20s and was trying to find my purpose in life. What were my passions? What fueled the very core of my soul?

Having the courage to show up to the beach clean-up in 2016 was the best decision I made, not only for my community but also for my health. That summer day, I was welcomed by a handful of volunteers and partners from Latino Outdoors. This left a lasting impression on my outlook on stewarding lands and promoting more accessible outdoor spaces. A growing number of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) organizations and individuals showed up and took up space, helping to change the narrative that we have always loved and cared for the outdoors. This set a precedence for a larger network of collaborative partnerships for championing a more equitable outdoors.

I have seen first-hand the transformative power of comunidades, healing my inner child through the intentional and expressive opportunities Latino Outdoors has offered. In 2018, I co-led my first hike at Eaton Canyon Natural Area and Nature Center, in the newly proposed San Gabriel National Monument expansion. The most amazing part was being able to bring along my mother to share the experience. I co-led outings with many supportive colleagues across Southern California, which broadened my understanding of conservation, and our role in advocating for representation and equitable access to our public lands.

A huge plus has been being able to share these experiences with my familia. There were many firsts, from SnowShoeing in the Los Padres National Forest with Latino Outdoors and encouraging mi primo to step out of our comfort zones together to building my knowledge and skills with the California State Park’s FamCamp Certification campout event. Latino Outdoors also introduced me to an internship with the National Park Service for youth programming at underfunded YMCAs in the Los Angeles County area. All of these opportunities inspired me to further my education and personal skills. I leveraged my past experiences to encourage myself and others to share our stories and extend our networking opportunities. I continued to work for local city parks and recreation departments and, nearly a decade later, completed my Bachelor’s Degree from the University of California, Riverside. I was motivated to “do more” and bring our community voices to the forefront. Then the pandemic hit.

During the pandemic, virtual Lotería games, iNaturalist courses, and book clubs offered a safe space for venting, healing, and learning. Latino Outdoors continued to be more than just an organization, but mi gente, time and time again. During a time of social justice and public health concerns, speaking up and leading by example on how to Recreate Responsibly took a united front. I remember a specific moment when I was inspired to do more after watching a virtual lecture by José González, founder of Latino Outdoors. I emailed him asking something along the lines of, “How do I continue to be involved and influence policy? How can I advocate for our communities in the outdoors? What more can I do?” José González replied, “You are doing enough. Trust the process”.

I continued to identify mentors and like-minded leaders within Latino Outdoors and partner organizations like The National Audubon Society, Nature For All, National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), along with my local city parks and recreation departments. It all helped me continue to highlight my passions, for community and the outdoors, while further honing my skills. During the 2020 pandemic, alongside a progressive slate of leaders, I challenged myself to run, and successfully win, as an Assembly District Representative. During the following two years, I worked alongside communities while pursuing and completing a Master’s in Public Administration, with a specialization in Leadership Development from National University. My capstone project thesis focused on park equity and the ethical responsibility of Administrators for equitable outdoor access. I leveraged the Parks Needs Assessment and countless amounts of research that supports the claim that relationship building with communities and increased funding through ethical public policies can help create a more equitable outdoors, thus increasing health, welfare, safety, and access for all.

In these past two years, I continued to learn how to authentically engage with community members. I collaborated with both local and state representatives to truly hear the concerns of the people through workshops, listening sessions, city council meetings, and on-the-ground conversations. Sometimes, the on-the-ground conversations were during a mask-mandated food distribution, COVID-19 testing site, outdoor outing, or a hike. Throughout that period, Latino Outdoors was at the center of outdoor resources for engagement and learning opportunities where a supportive LatinX community continues to grow, from volunteers and colleagues to an extension of my own familia. Latino Outdoors has grown from a staff of four with just under one hundred volunteers to now, eleven national staff and over 250 volunteers in 32 and growing regions across the nation. This year, we’re celebrating ten años of Latino Outdoors!

Who would have thought that showing up as a participant in 2016 would lead to being a part of the national staff in November of 2022? In these past ten months, I have had the opportunity to advocate alongside amazing community members and experts. Latino Outdoors founder José González was also one of the founding members of the California Parks Now Coalition, and now I have the opportunity to join as a Chair on behalf of Latino Outdoors. As members of the coalition, we have advocated at the state capitol in Sacramento for outdoors equity, CA 30×30, the Outdoors For All strategic plan, and various bills. The California Parks Now Coalition comprises over 30 organizations and individuals who bring their own experiences, stories, and expertise to protect and expand access to public parks, oceans, and spaces.

As I continue to develop my own skills as a policy expert, I listen, learn, and support campaigns and Indigenous voices through various coalitions that focus on public lands and national monument designations. In April of 2023, I joined the America the Beautiful Coalition in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Latino Outdoors, working alongside over 100 individuals from organizations across the nation like GreenLatinos, Hispanic Access Foundation, Brown Girl Surf, CalWild, The Wilderness Society, and Sierra Club. We joined working groups to meet with legislative offices to amplify two priorities. One is the 30×30 Federal initiative of preserving at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and freshwater and 30 percent of U.S. ocean areas by 2030. The other is Justice40, which supports that 40% of the federal investments should support underfunded and traditionally marginalized groups. This calls for the federal government to acknowledge that communities of color and frontline communities have had little to no resources in the past. There are strategic plans for new funding to support equitable access, conservation, and investments to protect natural areas with cultural and historic significance.

One of the major takeaways from the federal legislative office meetings was the need for more diverse voices in office and throughout all levels of government. Representation matters when it comes to public administrators making sound decisions that reflect the voices of the people, but this also means that we, the People, have a responsibility to share our stories and remain involved in the processes. I recognize the huge inequities in being able to consistently show up to meetings or spaces when many people’s priorities are to make their basic needs met. This further emphasizes the importance of organizations like Latino Outdoors, which are on the frontline, supporting their participants and volunteers with resources and free or affordable programming opportunities. Our voice matters. Your voice matters and has the power to influence policy.

I am thankful to have a seat at many other tables because of the hard work and dedication of leaders ahead of me, the Latino Outdoors team, and community members across the nation.  Making room for more seats and diverse voices takes the heart of many and the movement of us all. I am thankful for the opportunity to have joined Latino Outdoors in 2016 and the many opportunities to learn more about myself, be able to connect with all of our comunidades, and protect the outdoors. Together, we can make a difference, and it can start with just a beach cleanup. So, my question to you is, will you join Latino Outdoors on our next outdoor adventure?

Reflexiones: Running and Self-Care

por Krista Jett

Growing up in California’s San Joaquin Valley, I was more familiar with the sight of dairy cows and almond orchards than I was with that of wild deer or redwood groves. My grandparents settled in the region because of its rich agricultural history and abundant jobs for farm laborers. With Spanish as their first language, they felt most at home in the communities of migrant farm workers that inhabited the Valle Central. While nature was something that they both appreciated, it simply could not be the determining factor in their decision about where to live. First and foremost, they needed consistent employment and community.

Even though they lived hours from any state or national park and had little money, my grandparents did not let that stop them from making their way to the outdoors. They would take advantage of their little free time, pack up my grandfather’s old blue pick-up, and head for the ocean. In San Simeon State Park, they passed countless happy days and nights camping under the Monterey Pines, with the sounds of the ocean as the backdrop for their dreams.

On one such camping trip, my grandparents imparted their love of the outdoors to me. At just four years old, I was their Chispita, the little spark, and I took on each new experience in life with fervor. I remember the first time my grandma let me stay up late to sit around the campfire and watch the stars come out. I sat in quiet awe, knowing even at that young age that I was witness to something magical. I would remember that feeling when, fourteen years later, I had my first encounter with trail running.

I was eighteen years old when I graduated high school and moved for college, trading in my small farm town for a small mountain town northeast of Napa. After weeks of watching girls from my dorm lace up their shoes and head into the woods, I decided to try it. I was naive to the concept of running shoes, and I ran that first mile in an old pair of Nike basketball shoes. The fit wasn’t great, but it didn’t matter; I was lost in a paradise of pine trees, lazy creeks, and vibrant green moss. I gasped for air at the crest of each hill before throwing myself into the descent, leaving my worries behind as I ran. Finding my independence on a forest trail was exciting and significant to me, and from then on I was all in.

In the nearly 18 years since that day, I have continued running, hiking, and backpacking along the trails of California’s coastal mountain ranges. The wilderness remains my refuge and a source of endless joy. The redwoods have seen me through my darkest hours as I struggled with postpartum depression, mourned the deaths of loved ones, and grappled to cope with the isolation of the pandemic. The forest has stayed my trusty friend through all these years, and I know with certainty that I can always turn to her.

On December 31, 2019, I decided to start a run streak, hoping to carve out some much-needed alone time for myself. For the next year, I ran outside every day, rain or shine, while allowing myself to focus on my needs alone, even if it was only for ten minutes at a time. The outcome was better than I could have ever imagined; at the end of the year, I felt stronger, happier, and even more in love with the outdoors than when I first began. I have maintained my run streak to this day and am preparing to complete my fourth year in a matter of weeks. While I enjoy the benefits of good fitness and improved health, my primary reason for continuing is keeping my daily “outside” routine alive.

My hope is that others like me will make their way into the wilderness and feel empowered to try new things. Accessibility and affordability remain a barrier for thousands, and my goals through social media are to share the beauty of nature for those who cannot reach it themselves, to inspire others to get outside and explore their world, and to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining public outdoor spaces for everyone. I have made it my practice to invite family, friends, and colleagues to join me outside for a run or hike in the hope that one day they will do the same for someone else, and together, we can spread the love of the outdoors.

Krista was born and raised in the Central Valley of California. She has lived and worked as a Pediatric Nurse in the San Francisco Bay since graduating from nursing school nearly fifteen years ago. Krista began a Run Streak on December 31st, 2019 and has run every day since; she also enjoys hiking, back packing, and exploring coastal tide pools.

Kayaks, Trails and Mules: Now, That’s Baja!

por Trudi Angell

It was almost 50 years ago when I became a sea kayaker. Though I had done some hiking, backpacking, and horse riding in my teens in California, I had not been out on the open water before. So how did I end up in México, on a remote beach, with a cluster of date palm trees and a dozen other young people from 16 years old to late 20s? It’s a fun story.

Flipping through a catalog of courses from the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) back in the winter of 1975, none of the snow-camping courses (brrr!) or rock climbing courses (ugh, heavy packs) piqued my interest. But when I got to the page that had a photo of warm, sunny beaches with snorkeling, kayaking, and sailing offered as a 12-day outdoor learning experience, I signed right up. Back then, it was $350 dollars for the 12-day course, so I flew to San Diego and met a girl who was also going on the trip. The next day, her dad drove us to Tijuana to catch a direct flight to somewhere in Baja. The town we were headed to had a funny name, something about mules, maybe, but I had studied Spanish in junior high, high school, and a couple of college classes. I figured I could probably get along okay. Wrong.

As LouAnne and I flew over Scammon’s lagoon, we could see the shadowy forms of whales below in the enclosed bay…then the almost-empty 40-passenger twin-engine plane landed on a dirt strip in the middle of a cactus-covered desert, and the “airport” was a little palm thatch shed with a couple of taxis hoping for someone to disembark. I was glad we were traveling together as we grabbed our bags and hopped into one of the taxis. Here is where my Spanish language would come in handy. The driver asked, “Adónde van?”. “Al Hotel Serenidad, por favor.” And off we went.

Longer story short, LouAnne, the other dozen students, and I became great friends. Something about the outdoors, camping, minimalist lifestyle, and the camaraderie of living together for a couple of weeks in the wilderness and paddling down the coast with our food and gear tucked into the crannies of a sea-worthy kayak, like a floating backpack, well, it was certainly a turning point. There must have been something in the synchronicity of budding Spanish language skills blended with the amazing teachers we had on our NOLS Baja course, the gorgeous coastline, and the simplicity of living day to day in our environment like the local fishermen and farmers in México. Now, 48 years later, the stars overhead, the swish of the sea, and the trails that lead into the desert are truly a comforting home.

Trudi Angell has been a pioneer of adventure travel in Baja California Sur, México since 1983. Leaving a wake of 30 years of sea kayaking, plus exploring the peninsula on mules to ranches and rock art sites. She has ridden mules through Baja from top to bottom, twice, and is planning another 1000-mile mule-pack trip for 2024. She is celebrating 20 years of having dual citizenship. She produced a documentary about mule riding on El Camino Real in Baja, and her Spanish is now really good!

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