Taki-lovin’ Park Ranger Shares Her Story and Insight

For the first Yo Cuento Blog installment of 2020, immigrant and NPS Park Ranger, Cristina Martínez, generously shared some of her story with Christian La Mont, LO’s Social Media and Los Angeles Program Coordinator.

Christian La Mont: What is your name and where do you currently live?

Cristina Martínez: I am Cristina Martínez from Los Angeles, CA.

CLM: What was your first memory of the outdoors?

CM: Either looking for bugs in my abuela’s garden or going to a city park.

Abuela’s garden

CLM: Can you give us some background about your personal and professional relationship to the outdoors? 

CM: For a significant part of my life, I have considered urban parks my “great outdoors.” I grew up in a Mexico City neighborhood that had quite a number of urban parks and deportivos (parks with fields for different kinds of sports) within walking distance, so I spent a lot of time playing soccer with other kids. My family would also take frequent trips to el Bosque de Chapultepec, one of the largest urban parks in the Western Hemisphere.

“For a significant part of my life, I have considered urban parks my “great outdoors.”

Cristina Martínez

Not long after I turned 9 years old, my mom made the tough decision to leave the country and migrate to the “U.S.” in the search of “better opportunities.” This meant leaving behind my home, family members, friends, and also my connection to parks that had been an integral part of my childhood.

Once in this country, I wasn’t spending a lot of time in the outdoors for different reasons our community is too familiar with: (1) discriminatory policies that have placed more refineries than green spaces where we lived in Wilmington, CA; (2) no reliable transportation to go anywhere far, as we couldn’t afford a car for many years; (3) my mom was working multiple jobs as a housekeeper, making free time a luxury that wasn’t going to be spent going outdoors.

9th grade Cristina on her first overnight outing

It wasn’t until high school that I got to reconnect with the outdoors in a larger capacity when I became a member of my high school’s Environmental Club and got to partake in outings to places such as the so called San Bernardino and Santa Monica Mountains. Thanks to a special partnership with the Sierra Club, this organization sponsored our outings by providing transportation, gear, and guides so that we would have accessible and safe trips. I once again began to have an intimate relationship with the outdoors that continued to flourish and eventually influence my career interests.

Through classes offered by my college’s environmental science department, I was given the privilege to conduct ecology research in some incredible ecosystems.  My introduction to the US National Park System was through a marine ecology field course that took place in Virgin Islands National Park, the very first National Park I visited.

CLM: What is the Latino Heritage Internship Program, and how did you first hear about it? 

CM: The Latino Heritage Internship program (LHIP) is part of a larger initiative by Hispanic Access Foundation to increase the involvement and representation of Latinxs in “public” lands. The internship program does so by collaborating with the National Park Service and offering paid internships for underrepresented groups to work in various National Park Service units across the nation.

I heard about LHIP through social media, in what I would say was a stroke of luck. I happened to be scrolling down my feed on Facebook when I saw an older student at my undergrad institution share it on Facebook.

Cristina, during her Latino Conservation Week event as part of LHIP

CLM: Is that how you started your career with the National Park Service?

CM: Definitely. I would not have considered a career with the NPS if it wasn’t for LHIP.

“I would not have considered a career with the NPS if it wasn’t for LHIP”.

Cristina Martínez

CLM: Tell us about some of your impressions and experiences as a Latina in the National Park Service?

CM: Though I have been grateful to work in some truly gorgeous and dynamic places, it has come at the cost of being away from my community and dealing with constant microaggressions. Being a seasonal Park Ranger comes with a lot of challenges already, a big one being not having guaranteed employment year round, which is not sustainable and serves as an institutional barrier towards low-income individuals. Add to that the challenges that come with being a woman of color, and it can be discouraging to remain in this line of work. It is clear as day that the workforce of the National Park Service does not reflect the demographics of our country, which is why programs such as LHIP exist as a response to the lack of representation of individuals from various groups.

Along those lines, I’ve had many Latinx visitors come up to me and express how excited they are to see for the first time a Park Ranger that “looks like them.” These are interactions I have treasured, for not only do they validate the significance of having our communities represented, but serve as reminder to continue pushing the agency towards actions to create a truly inclusive workplace. I am extremely grateful for the many individuals that have and continue to put in the work towards transforming the “NPS culture” as a whole.

CLM: You’ve taken amazing photos of your time in the NPS, how important is storytelling to you as a Latina in the outdoors?

CM: Storytelling is transformative, validating, and a way of communication that I am still learning a lot about. When I read stories from other people who’ve had similar life experiences, it validates my feelings and has served as a huge part of healing for myself.  As an interpreter and storyteller, I have the platform to tell the stories that places hold to visitors, especially the stories that are difficult but important to share. I have the platform to figuratively and literally pass the mic to voices that continue to be erased so that they tell their story. And with this platform, I have also found it important to share my personal story with the outdoors to visitors. Not because I am seeking acceptance from them; but instead, to disrupt the “mainstream” outdoor narrative. I tell my story for those in the audience that have similar experiences as mine, for it may make them realize they are not alone in the way they have experienced the outdoors.

“And with this platform, I have also found it important to share my personal story with the outdoors to visitors. Not because I am seeking acceptance from them; but instead, to disrupt the “mainstream” outdoor narrative”.

Cristina Martínez

CLM: What are some of your favorite memories of nature: sights, sounds, smells, etc?

CM: I love the smell and sound of the ocean.


CLM: How did it feel to go from a city like Los Angeles to a vast wilderness?

CM: It was quite the transition in many different ways. For instance, I went from L.A. traffic to a place that only has one road and no stoplights. Though not dealing with traffic was nice, it was isolating to be away from my family and ethnic community.  I mean, the one grocery store in town didn’t have Takis!

CLM: What advice would you give to a young Latinx person who might be interested in a career in the outdoors?

CM: There will be people like professors and academic “advisors” that will push the importance of internships, even if they’re unpaid because at least it’s “good experience.”  Although it may be tempting to go for the unpaid internship since the environmental field is flooded with them (though I am noticing more paid opportunities in the field), time and labor should be paid. While there is potential worth in doing an unpaid internship (I did one summer of 2015 while working simultaneously at another job), the priority should be well-being. It is so crucial to ask oneself if having little to no income will create a stressful situation and if this stress is worth the “experience” of said opportunity. It is also important to remind yourself of your worth and be surrounded by a community that will remind you of that when you can’t yourself. “Imposter syndrome” made me feel inadequate to apply for paid internships that I did come across, making me believe that I was only worthy of “unpaid” opportunities. In conclusion: Apply for paid opportunities if that’s what you need, because they will expose you to different ways one can have a career in the outdoors.

CLM: What advice would you give yourself from 10 years ago?

CM: Don’t be so critical and harsh on yourself; and that the boy your after isn’t gonna matter!

CLM: Any last thoughts or closing words? 

CM: I am so thankful for this community that challenges me to be better and continue learning (and unlearning) even if it makes me uncomfortable. That is why I consider storytelling transformative: because it is a powerful tool that changes perspectives. Thank you for having a platform where we can share those stories.

Big Basin Community Campout

A few months ago, Jennifer Adams (SF Bay Area Regional Coordinator) and some of the Latino Outdoors SF Bay Area volunteers; led a Community Campout at Big Basin Redwoods State Park located in the Santa Cruz mountains. For some of the participants, it was their first time going camping. The attendees consisted of families, couples, and a few individuals.  The weekend was full of playing boardgames, a hike, a visit from a local ranger, sitting around the campfire, eating pan dulce, making s’mores, learning the importance of “Leave No Trace” principles and lots of rain.

Thanks to the Bay Area Wilderness Training Program, Jennifer was able to secure sleeping bags, sleeping pads and tents for the participants. The first night consisted of learning how to set of tents, mingling, sitting around the campfire and watching the kids play games and eating some delicious Pan dulce brought by one of the families.

Some of the children playing board games. @Veronica Miranda

Pan dulce time! @Veronica Miranda

Getting cozy by the fire. @Veronica Miranda

On the second day of the campout there was some heavy rain in the morning. After breakfast, some of the participants headed over to a nearby shelter to relax and play games while everyone waited on the rain to ease up. The rain gave participants time to bond and get to know each each other. The group consisted of educators, biologists, mechanics, theater actors, students, photographers, mothers and fathers. We were enjoying the outdoors together and that’s the beauty of Latino Outdoors. We strive to create spaces where people can be comfortable with one another and be part of an outdoor culturally relevant community.

The children playing board games. @Raul Hernandez

SF Bay Area volunteer Olga Hernandez enjoying a game of cards with her daughters. @Raul Hernandez

Later in the day,  California State Parks ranger Scott Sipes came to speak to the group about the history of Big Basin, the Marbled Murrelet bird who nests in the park, activities and programs that Big Basin has over the summer, and answered all the questions that the kids asked.

California State Park Ranger Scott Sipes speaking to the group. @Raul Hernandez

The Ranger Scott Sipes answering all the kids questions, and boy did the have a lot! @Raul Hernandez

After the visit from the ranger, part of the group went on a hike to see the native species of plants and trees and nearby waterfall.

SF Bay Area Volunteers Olga Hernandez & Elisa Gallegos examining a map of Big Basin trails. @Veronica Miranda

The group on the trail.@ Raul Hernandez

On the trail. @Raul Hernandez

SF Bay Area volunteer Olga Hernandez leading the group. @Raul Hernandez

Group photo with the waterfall. @Raul Hernandez

Headed back to camp for lunch.@Veronica Miranda

After the hike, it was time to relax, for the adults at least. The children were filled with energy, they built forts, played tag and most off all got a chance to explore the beauty of Big Basin. The children were able to build friendships with one another. While watching the kids play, I am humbled by the fact that Latino Outdoors was able to provide the group with a camping experience with the help of California State Parks and the San Francisco Foundation Grant. With the help of other organizations we work together to provide safe spaces to local communities so they can get to know their local open spaces and gain knowledge of what to bring in the outdoors and how to pack it out and “Leave no Trace.”

Children picking teams for a game of tag. @Veronica Miranda

Building a fort. @Veronica Miranda

The kids trying to come up with ideas on how to get the adults to bring the S’mores out for the 50th time. @Veronica Miranda

After dinner, Jennifer Adams (SF Bay Area Regional Coordinator)  spoke about the importance of having as little garbage as possible that way we have little impact on the natural ecosystem. She went on to mention the importance of respecting the area and the native wild animals who live in Big Basin.

Reusable water basin. @Veronica Miranda

Washing station. @Veronica Miranda

After dinner it was time for S’mores and conversations. People were code switching, speaking in English and Spanish, laughing, having a good time. I had the pleasure of having a conversation with Angelica & Karla Marroquin; Karla has been on a few of Latino Outdoors’ outings and her mother, Angelica joins when she is able. I asked them how their experience was camping with Latino Outdoors; Karla stated “very welcoming & comfortable” she felt she was taking “baby steps” into camping. Angelica felt “comfortable being around people she could resonate with.”

S’mores! @Veronica Miranda

As the conversations decreased and people went into their tents to call it a night all I could think of is this is how you build community. By bringing people from all walks of life together to have conversations and experiences, we were just fortunate to be able to do it outdoors.

Until next time….

~Veronica Miranda; Social Media Coordinator/ San Francisco Bay Area North Program Coordinator


The Big Basin Campout was a success! Thank you to the following sponsors and donors for your generosity! Alite, Back to the Roots, Bay Area Wilderness Training, California State Parks, Nalgene, SeaToSummit, and The San Francisco Foundation.

Photos courtesy of Raul Hernandez and Veronica Miranda

A huge thank you to Jennifer Adams (SF Bay Area Regional Coordinator), for her continuous guidance, and hard work! Thank you to all the SF Bay Area volunteers, Ana Maria Coca, Carlos Miranda, Elisa Gallegos, Olga Calderon, Raul Hernandez and Veronica Miranda

Jennifer Adams (pictured center with backpack), welcomes everyone to the campout and goes over important information and itinerary for the weekend. @Veronica Miranda

“Yo Cuento Outdoors”~The Stories Of Latino Outdoors. Part 6

Originally posted at: FitFunAnd.com

Yo Cuento Outdoors” is back!


Latino Outdoors is a wonderful Organization that provides many of us Volunteers and Leaders with a platform to amplify the Latino experience in the outdoors; providing greater opportunities for leadership, mentorship, professional opportunities and serving as a platform for sharing cultural connections and narratives that are often overlooked by the traditional outdoor movement. It is a space for the community to be present, share their voices, and showcase how conservation roots have been ingrained in Latino cultura for generations.

My pleasure to highlight Maricela ‘Marci’ Rosales~Outdoor Brands Coordinator for LO.

I had the pleasure of meeting Marci last summer and if I had to sum her up in three words they would be … passionateenergetic and fearless, she is a Force of Nature no doubt!

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”

– Edmund Hillary

What are the earliest memories of you in the outdoors with a connection to Nature?

My earliest memory was swinging on a hammock looking up and looking at the two different trees, the sun was peeking through both trees creating shapes and bringing in glimmers of light. I remember the trees swaying and rustling. I would take naps outside because I loved the way the wind and trees made music together. I noticed that the hammock was being held by these two trees and my curiosity convinced me to climb the Palm tree. I was maybe 4 or 5 years old. I like climbing things.

How do you connect to doing what you do now in the outdoor space?

I have a long story. Haha. I will say that growing up I was disconnected to outdoor spaces. I never thought that my backyard was an outdoor space. Schools didn’t go to State Parks or the Angeles Forests, there were no community gardens, and there was a lot of concrete. Los Angeles at the time lacked safe outdoor spaces. My family worked a lot so we really didn’t recreate. I was also bit sheltered because of my disability. I would sit in my room and look at the national geographic books my dad used to collect. While looking at the amazing images in my mind at a very early age, it was something that I always wanted to do but didn’t know how to get there, where to start looking or what would be “my thing”. In my teens, we moved out of the inner city and in the Latino Suburbs is where I realized there was less trash, more parks, and green lawns.  At my new high school, I took AP Biology and really liked it. I was convinced this was the way in to find my calling. When I got accepted to UC Riverside as an Environmental Science Major. It didn’t take long for me to switch majors I couldn’t pay attention at the time. To many things were happening, my dad’s health was declining, I was commuting from Riverside to LA county regularly to help my dad and to work, and I was in physical pain that kept me from focusing on my studies.

Something happened when I switched my major to Sociology/Law & Society, different sociological phenomenon’s, demographics of communities, disparities and crime opened my mind to the world. It blew me away that so many things were interconnected and not one thing moved on its own when it came to our social world. At the same time, I got the help I needed to improve my well-being and got involved in the outdoors by getting a job at the Challenge course on campus. My dreams started coming together in different ways and I loved where things were going. I got into rock climbing and that in itself became a huge part of where I am today in life. Because of my experiences I have become an advocate and invested volunteer. Giving time to organizations like Latino Outdoors, Access Fund, and Nature For All has opened many opportunities for me and the surrounding communities I work with in Los Angeles. I am but one person but my goal is to share what I have with others so they too can benefit from outdoor spaces, access, and wellness. I want them to be volunteers, to get those jobs in the Outdoor Industry and I want the community where I come from to be champions of the land.

What make the outdoors special to you and do you have a favorite hike?

The outdoors is a special place for me because it’s a place to heal, to explore, to protect. It could be your back yard, your local park, and your rivers and forests. I connect while I’m climbing outside. I don’t have a favorite hike but I do like venturing into the San Gabriel National Monument. I really like the Horse Flats Campground area.

How do you celebrate the connections between a Latinx identity and the outdoors?

Some of the folks that venture on outings in Los Angeles are doing it for the first time. Making them relatable and inclusive is important. Partnering with other organizations and rangers to translate builds trust. Making the outdoors relatable is important to celebrating diversity. Bringing in culture and storytelling helps celebrate the identify of people participating.

How do you see yourself “counting” in the outdoors and in the community around you?

In the summer, LO Los Angeles had their first campout and it was a lot of fun. We went to Malibu Creek State Park where we played in the water, went to the visitor center, saw some planets with a very big telescope, and we all made dinner together. On the last day, we talked about the importance of protecting places and picked up trash along the way. Families who participated mentioned their desire to get involved in their local communities; having a voice and amplifying the importance of what they felt mattered to them. To me it’s about leading and having others come into your place collectively using each other’s strengths to make things happen for the greater good. Maybe it’s not huge change but impacts come in all shapes and sizes.  As a woman of color with my experiences I feel inspired and responsible to be a part of change. Not a bone in my body is doing this for the wrong reasons.

Why does what you do matter to you?

It matters because I believe all communities benefit from outdoors spaces, from access to recreate, it creates sustainable communities.

Muchas Gracias Maricela for sharing what the outdoors means to you. I love the fact that you are not just hiking to the mountain but climbing it as well. You are truly a Latino Outdoors inspiration and may you continue to pave new paths on your aventuras Amiga : ).


Everyone has their own story on what they love most about Nature and what keeps them there. What is it that draws you to the wild open spaces?

Fitfunand  … Latina Outdoors.