LO Seattle | Vamos afuera en la primavera


April 27


08:00 am - 04:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-seattle-vamos-afuera-en-la-primavera-tickets-878552473097

Latino Outdoors - Seattle

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/latino-outdoors-seattle-30856597721

Oyster Dome

Oyster Dome, Skagit County, WA 98232

Skagit County, WA, US, 98232

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Vamos a Oyster Dome para pasar tiempo juntos al aire libre en la primavera.

LO Seattle | Vamos afuera en la primavera

Vamos a Oyster Dome, cerca de Bellingham, WA, aproximadamente a hora y media de distancia de Seattle. Este es un sendero de 5 millas con 1,050 pies de elevación. Al final del sendero tendremos una hermosa vista a Samish Bay y a las Olympic Mountains. Recomandamos este sendero para senderistas intermedios. Puedes ver más datos sobre el sendero aquí: Oyster Dome — Washington Trails Association (wta.org). Por favor contacta a Sully (sully@latinooutdoors.org) con cualquier pregunta.

Join is at Oyster Dome, near Bellingham, WA, approximately a 1.5 hour drive from Seattle. This trail is 5 miles round trip with 1,050 feet of elevation gain. At the end of the trail we will have wonderful views of Samish Bay and the Olympic Mountains. We recommend this trail for intermediate hikers. See more details about the trail here: Oyster Dome — Washington Trails Association (wta.org). Please contact Sully (sully@latinooutdoors.org) with any questions.