LO Austin | Semillitas Afuera


April 27


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lo-austin-semillitas-afuera-tickets-882541093167

Latino Outdoors - Austin, TX

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/latino-outdoors-austin-tx-47251178033

Austin Nature & Science Center

2389 Stratford Drive, Austin, TX 78746

Austin, TX, US, 78746

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¡Ven a disfrutar de un día lleno de diversión con familia junto a LO Austin!

LO Austin | Afuera con Familias y Semillitas Outdoors

Event Location: Austin Nature & Science Center

Event Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024

Event Time: 10a-12p

Come join us for a fun-filled morning at the Austin Nature & Science Center with your familia! LO Austin is hosting a special event to bring families together for a day of outdoor activities and exploration. From nature walks to interactive exhibits, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to bond with your loved ones while experiencing the beauty of science and nature. Save the date and we hope to see you there! Family friendly, children and adults all welcome!

We will have an LO member greet you at the entrance and will prompt you on where to meet the rest of the group.

Please fill out LO smartwaiver prior to arrival at event.

For more information on the Nature and Science Center, click here.